Despite a snowstorm, and Delilah and mommy both being very sick, Delilah did get baptized. She had some people missing at the event because they were stuck in South Dakota, and Iowa, but they were there in spirit. Delilah did great. Mommy couldn't talk but I am sure God heard her anyways. Delilah only got fussy the last 5 mins of church but once Daddy took her to the back of the church she was much happier. Then we got pictures and then back to our house where we had lunch, cake, and opened gifts.
Let's go back a little. I keep meaning to get all the updates. Delilah has her nine month check-up at about 9.5 months. Her head circ is still remaining in the 90th percentile. Actually she was up from 93 to 96%! Her weight dropped percentiles. She went from the 88th to the 64. But hey still above average. Doctor wasn't worried he said usually about this point they level off because they move around more but don't take in any extra calories. Her length is back down again from 75th to the 59%. But all in all she is still above average in every area.
Now as far as sleeping goes, she is getting better. We usually only have to get up once or twice, sometimes she puts herself back to sleep. She usually has to eat around 6am. Now that brings up one of the areas of mommies concern. The girl just doesn't eat solids very well. She was really making headway and then she got RSV and ever since then I just feel like we are headed backwards. She will barely take bites sometimes. Then one meal out of the blue she might eat and entire jar and it doesn't matter what it is. You sit her in the chair and she just screams most of the time. We used to blame it on the RSV. Then we blamed it on the teeth, then the next illness, then the Roseola, then the teeth, now she is sick again, with a very nasty bug so she wont eat. She drinks formula, but no more than 6 ounces ever at one time. She goes anywhere from 2-6 ounces every 3-4 hrs, until bedtime at 8 pm then she drinks at 6 am. The doctor said he wasn't worried but it is not normal for her to eat so little. It has been a battle for almost two months. Any thoughts I am open.
She is walking if you give her a hand to hold onto. But you try to let go and she immediately tries to sit. She is to scared to fall. She crawls all over the place. She does have a single tooth in her bottom right front incisor. Hopefully the other one will break soon if that is her issue. She still doesn't talk much. She still hasn't said mama, and she is 2 days away from being 10 months old. She still will not call Jarrod Dada. I still haven't heard her make the kaka sound. It really is starting to scare me but the doctor said not to worry as she is focusing on her physical rather than her speech and communication. She still hasn't reproduced any signs that we can recognize.
So now that gets you somewhat up to date. Well Friday the 3rd was my birthday and Delilah woke up with a 102.8 degree temp and she was very fussy. By that night she was rather fussy and I was starting to feel very achy. Sure enough I woke up Saturday morning also running a temp of greater than 102. I took Tylenol and Day Quil and by that evening I had really starting to loose my voice, of course when all the family was here to celebrate. Sunday I woke up and really had no voice and was really coughing. Sunday was so bad for me that my mom wanted to take me to the ER. She thought I had walking pneumonia. Delilah seemed to be getting slightly better. So Monday I head to the doctor and they put me on Prednisone to help with my breathing, Albuterol four times a day and an antibiotic once a day. A very strong harsh antibiotic, I must say. Then Tuesday off to take Delilah to the doctor because her fever came back and she was breathing hard now too. So sure enough she has an ear infection and it also settled into her lungs so back on breathing treatments. She is getting slightly better taking the treatments. At least this time we don't have to do the Pulmicort. We just have to do the albuterol. So you would think after getting on prednisone and antibiotics and albeterol we both would be feeling better but it has taken quite a few doses to even feel like I am able to stay awake enough to even think about going back to work. Finally the cough seems to be getting better so maybe I can sleep better tonight and will make it through work tomorrow.
So I think that is all of the updates. Hope you enjoy the pictures.