Monday, February 23, 2009

RSV and ear infection

Yep, that's right. Delilah has RSV. She also has an ear infection. She started wheezing really bad. She gets to stay out of the hospital for now. We have to do treatments every four hours. She is on antibiotics for the ear infection. She is pretty miserable. I am being very precise as I need to get going but wanted to update the grandparents here. So she is doing okay. She is still breastfeeding enough that they are not worried about dehydration yet but we shall see. So any questiosn feel free to call.

Love to you all and stay healthy!


Steph said...

OK, dumb question from the nonparent here. What's RSV? In any case, I hope baby D feels better and you can get more sleep. :(

Steph said...

OK, never mind, I just Googled it. Poor baby.

Amanda said...

RSV is really bad cold. The younger they are, the worse it is. But her wheezing is bad news and there may be a touch on pnemonia.

MooreWorld said...

Hang in there, mama...Get better, princess!!