Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Grandparents


Pictures of the family at the family tree and the three of us. For some reason I can only add two pictures at a time. I think because they are so large, so more pictures will eb added with no titles etc.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Well today we had some very special people arrive. They brought an adorable little robe which was just perfect because I had saved her bath until tonight. During the bath she was leaned forward and this was the wonderful face she was giving. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Growing up...

Well on September 18th, Grace's 2nd birthday, My sister and I were able to visit the newest member of the English Family. What amazed me the most is that Chloe was 7 lbs 7 oz at birth and Delilah was 7 lb 5 oz. When you see her every day you forgot how much she really has grown. So when we lined up all the girls you have Chloe Elizabeth, then Delilah, and then Grace you can see the major size differences. The other picture I was holding Chloe and Delilah was in front of me. We pulled Grace away from the TV and tried to get the girls. It is just amazing to me the size difference and how a little time can make such a difference. It was so nice to be able to see the girls. There was a lot of estrogen in that house that day. Dave was outnumbered 6 to 1!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just another day...

Okay so our daycare had suggested trying a little rice cereal before bed, to help maybe get her through the night. Well after only two hours of sleep on Tuesday night, Wednesday nigth we decided to try a little. So I put a few flakes on a spoon, slowly added drops of breastmilk (which Jarrod found hilarious becuase I just took it from the source and if you do not undertand what that means I am not oging to enlighten you) and then tried to feed it to her. Yeah she did not get really any of it except maybe a few drops which was probably breastmilk anyways. So it didn;t go real well, and she still woke up at 3 in the morning. Then had to wake back up at 5 to go visit Chloe (newest neice). Last night she went down at 8:30 cried about 10 mins then asleep until 3. then had to wake her up at 6 for feed before I left for work and so she could get ready for daycare. Eveyrone keeps saying to just go full out for the cereal but I am nervous. The doctor said not for another 2 weeks minimum. I am just hesitant to try it too soon!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Like Father, Like daughter...

Okay so as many of you know Jarrod loves being on the computer. He is always surfing the web and investigating the newest urban legend. Well he gets home from work and one of the first things he does is grab Delilah and get on the computer. Well apparently she is starting to get into surfing the web. She was very intently looking at the screen and even when I took these pictures, neither one turned from the screen.

Coos and grins...

"Grandma and Grandpa this one's for you!"

"Well see I now know that when mama is going to work, I don't get to see her, so I don't sleep before she works. Mama is on two hours of sleep so hope that she did this right."

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So I lied...

Okay so after further investigation the picture beside was taken at two weeks of age. So it isn't a perfect but it took us a while to even find one that would show the size difference but man, that dog sure looks small now. Compare for yourself.

More pics please?

I have been told to put more pics on my blog. So I am going to get them on here. The only problem is that our camera takes such detailed pics that the size limit gets exceeded very quickly. I am still learning about this whole process. So I will find a way to include more pics. Now the reason for this. The dog in the picture was used for a picture on 7-18. So about one month old. I can't seem to find one of her being two months old with the dog but her is three months old with the dog. So those of you that have the other picture. Compare. You can see how much she has grown. I am going to try to keep the dog as steady object and each month on her day, take a picture with it. So check back for the progression!

All smiles

She is really starting to smile more but it is hard to catch them on the camera. She seems to be very camera shy. I have tried to catch video of her smiling today but every time I pick up the camera she stops smiling and cooing. I think sometime when she is interacting with Jarrod I will just have to sneak up and catch her. Well starting to get better about getting her down for naps. Starting to figure out a little bit of her schedule. Never realized how much sleep we were really taking away from her by not putting her down for naps and getting her to bed earlier. I can't believe it but she is actually an even happier baby. I thought she was good after we got the colic under control but man, with the increase sleep she is just so much happier. I am a little frustrated again because the stools are getting worse again and I am not sure why. I am not pumping at all, I never feel that full and I only squirted her once and that was just cause her nose was stuffy so she took a break so why is she acting as if I have oversupply again. Oh the sad new but good news too is I had to pack all her 0-3 month clothes away. They are just to small so I had to get all her 3-6 month clothes washed. It is just sad to see all her clothes get put away. It means she really is growing up. I did okay putting away her newborn, because she couldn't wear those for long but man now to see the clothes she has worn for three months go away, it is just a little hard. I hope I don't get this way every three months as I upgrade her clothes!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I know, I know. This is probably the most common complaint among new parents. However, my complaint is slightly different. With all the issues we had with colic the routine for sleep was to say the least unpredictable and difficult. So as the colic improved we still found ourselves fighting with the bedtime routine and getting her to sleep. We were told you can not spoil them before 3 months of age so if she cries, hold her or try to soothe her. Well we didn't always hold her by we did go in and try the pacifier. It was such a battle that we all became so frustrated. Well she is now three months old so we were trying to find out, well no we just let her cry it out. So last night (in the middle of a very long and hard stretch of work) we decided to give this a try. So we do the routine. We change her into her PJ's, I nurse her, I lay her in her crib and turn on the CD. I shut the door and walk out. She cried almost immediately. We tried the pacifier once and then said okay enough is enough. We just let her cry. She lasted 30 mins. Then was out. She slept until 4 then woke and wanted to eat. So feed her laid her down and she cried about 10 mins then asleep. Woke up at 6:15 to eat again before I left for work. She woke up on own not me waking her.

So now my complaint, WHAT TOOK US SO LONG! I mean the colic has really been over for a least a week and everyone tells you to let them cry it out but I was stubborn and thought well she isn't 3 months. Well the first night we try and man what a difference. I feel so frustrated that we didn't try things a long time ago. And the worst part the colic may have been caused my my oversupply of breast milk and we could have made the colic better even sooner. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! No one tells you that to much milk can be just as bad! So I wonder if we could have saved a lot of heartache if we had tried things sooner! We would have gotten a lot more sleep sooner. Now we need to get this routine down which will take some time but hopefully it wont take long. I am just frustrated that we waited so long on the colic, the sleep. It is just hard to know these things and then we are finding out things much later than we would like. I had just always heard that sleep was just a battle and deal with it, but you combine it with other things people are telling you and you get mislead! So now finishing a 52 hr work week I am overly exhausted and now have to try and go home and hold to this new routine! I passed out last night and didn't even move. When I woke up to her crying at 4 my body was so stiff and sore from not moving. I think tonight will be even worse as far as the passing out, not moving. I am so exhausted. Everything is just finally catching up with me!