Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just teasing...

Okay so I give up. I don't understand. I really don't get it. Delilah has not slept through the night since my last blog. She woke up after 5 hrs then after 3. Last night she was even worse. She woke up at 2, then 4:30 then would not go back to sleep. I have people asking me all the time, "does she sleep through the night yet?" And man she just teases us with one here then one there but never does it even two nights in a row. Right now it may be due to her cold, it may be due to my lower milk supply (which last night she got bottle since I was at bridge so can't be that) or is she afraid of storms? I don't know but if one more person tells me that oh my baby slept through the night at 8 weeks, 9 weeks, or even 3 months I am gonna blow. We are at 4 months and she still doesn't sleep through the night. Now we have the fun of she can easily roll from her tummy to her back but when she sleeps she needs her belly so she gets mad and rolls herself over but then can't fall asleep on her back. She needs to roll back to her belly to sleep. Oh please if anyone has ideas please help!


Angela said...

No ideas but I just wanted you to know that I know the majority of my friends babies don't sleep all night until closer to six months (not sure if that helps though LOL)

MooreWorld said...

I'm pretty sure that once they can roll back and forth and can lift their head, they are not at risk for SIDS in that area. There is still co-bedding and animals, etc. Hang in there cheeks....

The Odvody's said...

I'm so sorry, baby not sleeping is so frustrating. Sorry, no great ideas but just want to offer some support...

Joy said...

Cole did not sleep through the night for a long long long time... I think I woke up one morning when he was 8 months old and thought "wow.. he has been sleeping through the night." I won't knock breastfeeding.. I won't I won't... but I do think that breastfed babies often take a bit longer to sleep through the night because breastmilk is so quickly and easily digested. They're MEANT to wake up at night and nurse frequently, it's what they do. I know that doesn't make it easier (trust me do I know), but just remember you're giving her the best thing you can! And when she's a year old and you look back on it, you will hardly remember all those sleepless nights. Too, she may be going through a growth spurt and may be wanting to nurse often to bring your supply up to her new, more ravenous demand. Hang in there.. it'll get better!